Who we are & what we do
Somerby Parish Council is a democratically elected body comprising representatives from throughout the Parish. Councillors give their time freely to represent the views of parishioners on matters that affect our lives locally. Each Councillor has to comply with a national code of conduct that ensures the highest standards of public accountability. The Parish Council has an annual budget the majority of which derives from the precept received from Melton Borough Council. This money is used to pay for various local services. The expenditure of the Parish Council is subject to checking by external auditors.
Meetings of the Parish Council are held every month at venues around the Parish. The Annual Assembly and the Annual Parish Meeting are held on the second Wednesday of April and May respectively.
Parish Clerk
The Parish Clerk works together with us to deliver the range of services we provide. She can be contacted at Parish Office, by phone or email.
Parish Council Responsibilities
Useful links
How to respond to planning applications (PDF, 4 Mb)
This guide will show you how to make sure your voice is heard. This file is quite large and will take some time to download.
National Planning Policy Framework 2019
The National Planning Policy Framework sets out government's planning policies for England and how these are expected to be applied.